What is Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)?

What is Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)? Why does it happen, how is it treated?

xerostomia Dry mouth, also known as dry mouth, is caused by the inability of the glands in this area to produce sufficient saliva. Saliva moistens the food taken into the mouth and initiates digestive processes. This secretion, which has an important place in the digestive system, contributes significantly to maintaining oral health. For this reason, problems such as dry mouth, dryness in the throat, cracked lips and bad breath may also occur. Although it does not seem like a serious health problem on its own, constant thirst and dry mouth It should not be underestimated because it may occur due to several underlying health problems.

What Causes Dry Mouth?

What are the causes of dry mouth?

Many different factors can cause dry mouth. The main reason for dry mouth can be given as a medication side effect. Decongestants, antihistamines, diarrhea, hypertension drugs, muscle relaxants, antidepressant-derived drugs and drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease can cause dry mouth. Dry mouth is more common in this population, as the use of different medications together increases the likelihood of side effects as a result of the co-occurrence of many diseases in later ages.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy applications used in cancer treatment are also causes of dry mouth can be given between . When radiotherapy is applied to the neck and head area, it damages the salivary glands and causes disruptions in saliva production.

Chemotherapy causes dry mouth by affecting the chemical content of saliva and the amount of production in the body. Dysfunction of the nerves that control the functioning of the glands in the mouth as a result of surgical procedures or damage can be given as examples of reasons that play a role in the development of dry mouth.

Stress, anxiety, tobacco use, mouth breathing, snoring, Sjögren's-like autoimmune diseases, Botulism, diabetes, thrush, Alzheimer's and Cystic fibrosis are other causes of dry mouth. Apart from all these, the body loses high amounts of water, causing the salivary glands to fail to produce saliva, resulting in dry mouth. Physical activities, especially at high temperatures, may result in a person complaining of dry mouth if done for a long time.

Dry mouth can cause major problems. In this regard, Clinic AFM Dental Clinic provides an incredible level of service to its patients and helps them protect their oral and dental health.

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