5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Clear Plaque Treatment

What is Transparent Plaque on Teeth?

Known in medicine as wireless orthodontic treatment transparent record It is an orthodontic treatment that uses custom-designed transparent aligners using 3D printers instead of traditional metal or porcelain braces.

In Which Situations Is Transparent Plaque Applied?

Orthodontic conditions to which transparent aligners are applied vary. Gap teeth, crooked teeth, and malocclusion can be given as examples of these orthodontic disorders.

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Clear Plaque Treatment

  • Compared to aesthetic brackets (porcelain), transparent plaque is almost not visible and its treatment is much more comfortable. It is ideal for patients who do not want to attract all the attention with their dental treatment. Those who use transparent plates for reinforcement therapyThey are extremely satisfied with the transparent aligners they use and the service they receive.
  • The fact that the aligners are removable also provides advantages when performing oral care and brushing teeth. The fact that the brackets are stuck to the teeth makes cleaning difficult due to crooked teeth. Therefore, tooth decay and gum inflammation are less common in people with clear aligners than in people with braces.
  • Appointments are less frequent in clear plate treatments. Since the plates are given to the patient, checks are made every 6-8 weeks. In bracket treatments, if the interval between checks exceeds 4-6 weeks, there may be a slowdown in the course of the treatment.
  • Its ability to renew itself every year and benefit from digital technology makes it possible to treat all kinds of difficult and different malocclusions. Clear plaque is used in deep bite, extraction treatments, open bite, Class II and Class III treatments and very good results can be achieved.
  • Fillings called attachments that have the same color as the tooth can be used in transparent plaque treatments. Compared to brace treatment, since the brackets are larger in number and surface area, they are more likely to break. Since there is less chance of rupture, the only thing people with clear aligners need to do is remove their aligners before eating.


Clinical AFM The service we offer is successful and high-quality treatments. Thanks to our physicians who are experts in their fields, we have achieved dozens of successes and continue to do so. If you are having problems with your oral and dental health, Clinic AFM is always here to help you get rid of these problems completely.