Tooth decay is important and a problem for the health of our mouth and teeth, which are important parts of our body. According to some studies, caries in the mouth; It has been found to be linked to some different diseases such as tooth loss, gum diseases, diabetes and heart diseases. In other words, those who have healthy teeth and gums contribute to their overall body health.

What kind of problems does tooth decay cause?

Tooth decay in general: It causes serious illnesses such as sinusitis, diabetes, tonsillitis, rheumatism and osteoporosis. Unlike these; Systemic diseases such as heart and kidney failure, diabetes and ulcers also have a direct connection with oral health. Coronary vascular disorders are common in people with gum disease. Oral and dental care that is not applied as it should be can make it difficult to treat systemic diseases, or the weakening of the immune system due to the disease can lead to tooth loss. Especially in people with diabetes; Ignoring oral care can cause irreversible damage to the mouth and teeth.

The Biggest Cause of Bad Breath: Tooth Decay

Ağız kokusu şikâyetlerinin %90’ı, ağız içindeki problemlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Düzenli olarak diş fırçalama ve diş ipi kullanımının olmaması en büyük etkenlerden biridir. Fakat devamlı ağız kokusu genellikle; diş çürükleri ve diş eti iltihaplarına daha sık rastlanmaktadır. Diş çürüğü temizleme ve diş çürüğü tedavisi oldukça basittir. Diş hekiminize ulaşıp muayene olduğunuzda, sorunlar tespit edilerek tedaviler yapılır. Ağız bakımı devamlı ve doğru olarak uygulandığında ve rutin kontrolleri aksatmadan yapıldığı takdirde ağız kokusu ile ilgili problemleriniz son bulacaktır.

How should oral care be done to prevent cavities?

Continuous and correct oral care prevents tooth decay to a considerable extent. The most important rule of oral care is to clean the teeth, in other words, brush them, at least twice a day. If we brush our teeth regularly with a medium-hard toothbrush without putting too much pressure on the teeth, we will prevent the formation of caries and indirectly clean the tooth decay. Using dental floss is also of great importance for our teeth and gums. Food debris stuck between the teeth is the most common cause of black tooth decay. Apart from these; You can maintain your oral and dental care regularly and protect your health by using tools or methods such as tongue brush, interdental brush, mouthwash.