Is Gingival Recession a Disease?

Gum withdrawal; Although it mostly manifests itself when teeth grinding, pencil biting and similar negative movements become habits, it also manifests itself as a result of misconceptions about brushing habits during teeth cleaning.

How to Understand Gum Recession?

Its understanding is only possible after a clinical examination by a dentist. The surfaces of tooth roots are covered with gums. These points are especially checked during the examination by the dentist. Because when gum recession occurs, these root surfaces become more yellowish than normal teeth. In addition, although the person does not have any caries, he/she is sensitive to hot and cold due to tooth extraction. Sensitivity to carbonated and acidic drinks may also occur.

How to Treat Gum Recession?

Various treatment methods can be applied as a solution to gum recession. Before determining the treatment, it is necessary to clarify the cause of the withdrawal. After this determination is made, it can be treated by choosing one of the gum treatment applications classified as protective or simple techniques depending on the amount of recession.

Why Does Gum Recession Occur?

The most common causes of gum recession are the accumulation of food residues between and on the surface of the teeth as a result of not being able to properly care for oral and dental health due to incorrect tooth brushing methods. Other causes include bad habits such as biting a pen and grinding your teeth. Sometimes, structural disorders in the gums cause this condition. Finally, of course, genetic predisposition can also be listed among these reasons.

Can Gum Recession Be Stopped?

If the causes of this discomfort are identified, intervention is made under the supervision of a dentist with appropriate treatment methods, and as a result, these conditions are improved, then, of course, gum recession can be stopped.

Does Gum Recession Damage the Implant?

People with receding gums implant There is no harm in doing so, and the existing to the implant Gum recession that occurs later does not have a negative effect.