What are the Causes and Treatment of Teeth Crackling?

Disturbing pain that occurs inside the tooth or in the tissues around the tooth due to various reasons is known as toothache. Teeth tingling usually occurs while brushing or consuming hot or cold food.

Causes of toothache may differ from each other. Decayed, broken, damaged teeth and/or dental fillings, structural tooth sensitivity, teeth grinding and clenching, gum problems, wisdom teeth starting to erupt, structural jaw bone disorders are among the risk factors that can cause toothache.

If the source of the pain is decay, go to a specialist dentist. decayed teeth treatment You can take it and eliminate the pain in your teeth in a short time. Filling and root canal treatment are among the most common treatment methods for tooth decay.

Similarly, in cases where teeth are broken or cracked, they should be removed under the supervision of a specialist physician. broken tooth treatment or cracked teeth treatment You can take it and put an end to the annoying tingling inside your mouth.


Bruxism, that is, teeth clenching/grinding, is also among the important factors that can cause teeth to ache. If it is known that the source of the pain is bruxism, in the second stage, it should be determined what causes bruxism. For this, professional support is again needed. After the examination and listening to the patient's complaints, the treatment phase for bruxism is started. Night guard is an effective method frequently used in the treatment of teeth grinding.

In order to eliminate toothache, which affects your daily life and can disrupt your work, family and social life, first of all, the cause of the problem must be clearly identified. However, after that the most appropriate toothache treatment action can be taken. For this, it is essential to first be examined by an experienced and expert dentist. Only after a detailed examination by a specialist can the source of the pain be determined with certainty.

Aching tooth treatment There are many alternative methods that can be applied. On the other hand, it should be known that if oral and dental care is incomplete or incorrect, complete and permanent results cannot be obtained from any of these treatments.