What Do We Need to Know Before Braces Treatment?

Most of the orthodontic applications that permanently solve problems such as crooked teeth, tooth sparsity, and jaw-related structural disorders are braces treatment It is implemented with. Although they vary in terms of the materials used and the application method, the aim of all braces treatments is the same: to move the teeth into their ideal positions, step by step. In this way, ensuring that the teeth are aligned properly in the mouth.

orthodontic treatment Braces treatment, which is the first application that comes to mind when it is mentioned, today introduces new methods to eliminate people's aesthetic concerns about orthodontics. Transparent braces, porcelain braces, colored braces and lingual braces treatments are examples of this. Transparent plaque treatment It is an example of removable orthodontic appliances. In transparent plaque treatment, the control of the treatment process is largely in the hands of the patient. Because transparent aligners can be easily removed and inserted by the patient.

So what do you need to know before braces treatment?

  • Advantages of braces treatment It is a prominent orthodontic application. It would be beneficial to focus on these advantages, keeping in mind that treatment will require some patience and discipline. Disorders such as crookedness, sparseness, missing teeth, opening-closing problems etc. can all be completely eliminated thanks to braces treatment. Upon completion of the treatment, you can have teeth with a perfect alignment and appearance, with all their functions, permanently. By thinking about these, you can be more prepared for treatment.
  • “How long does braces treatment take?” The answer to the question varies depending on the extent of your current problem and the treatment plan prepared specifically for you by the specialist orthodontist who cares for you. At this point, you can consult your doctor about all the questions you have in your mind and decide on the treatment method to be applied by mutual consultation. However, you can prepare yourself for possible braces treatment for an average of 1-2 years.
  • Before wearing braces, your teeth must be clean and completely free of possible plaque. For this, you can contact your dentist a few days before the braces are placed and arrange a professional cleaning appointment for your teeth.
  • Nowadays, innovative treatments aiming to both eliminate aesthetic concerns and ensure that the person has a more comfortable treatment process. orthodontic treatment methods It is possible to mention. But in general, prepare yourself for some discomfort. Especially in the first days of wearing braces, it will be completely normal for you to feel like the presence of braces in your mouth is redundant until the adjustment period is completed. However, you can be sure that this feeling will disappear quickly and you will get used to the braces in a short time.
  • Before the treatment, be sure to talk to your dentist about any questions you may have or any possible anxiety you may have. Get satisfactory answers to your questions, and pursue methods that will resolve your concerns in collaboration with your physician. Ultimately, plan the treatment process together that will be most convenient, comfortable and comfortable for you.