While thinking about having a baby, you need to pay attention to some things for your baby's and your own health during the 9 months. To protect your baby's health, you should of course also pay attention to dental health. If you do not care about your dental health during pregnancy, dental health problems are inevitable over time. Increasing the amount of calcium during pregnancy helps you prevent gum diseases. People who ask many questions such as what is good for gum swelling during pregnancy or how to relieve gum swelling and pain during pregnancy usually encounter such problems because they do not attach much importance to their gums or dental health.

Our teeth are the most important thing we need to continue our lives. That's why we should also care about our oral and dental health. Having healthy teeth is very important both in terms of aesthetics and health. It is very important that either our parents or ourselves take care of our dental health since we came to life. Because our entire body can be badly affected by a problem that occurs in our mouth.


  1. Pay attention to oral hygiene: These are soft bristle brushes that you need to brush and clean at least twice a day. Even if there are no food residues left between your teeth, you should remove them with the help of dental floss.


  1. Do not consume sweets too often: Sugar combines between teeth and becomes a suitable place for bacteria to shelter and reproduce. You can prevent future tooth decay by consuming less sweets. If you consume too much sugar, tooth decay will occur and you may have to use fillings.


  1. Consume plenty of calcium and green leafy foods: During this pregnancy, you nourish your baby just as you nourish yourself. That's why you have to pay more attention to what you eat and drink. Thanks to the cheese and milk you have at breakfast, your calcium needs will be met to a large extent. Green leafy foods, fish, fruits and vegetables, which are high in calcium, should be consumed in a balanced manner. 1300-1500 mg of calcium per day will most likely be enough for you.


  1. You Should Protect Your Baby's Teeth: On average, the baby's tooth development begins in the 5th or 6th week. Pregnant people should eat regularly and healthily during this period and should pay attention to oral hygiene and health.


  1. Visit Your Dentists: It is really important for the health of you and your baby to consult your dentist at regular intervals and take their advice and suggestions into account. It is important that your doctor sees your dental x-rays and has them medically cleared to ensure your health.