What Should Be Considered After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

You may feel some pain and soreness after wisdom teeth are removed. However, this situation is not as troublesome as one might think. Since it is performed under local anesthesia, nothing is felt during wisdom tooth extraction. However, after the extraction process is completed and after the anesthesia wears off, pain or various complications may occur.

How should care be after wisdom tooth extraction?

 After wisdom tooth extraction, events such as bleeding, swelling, bruising, aches and pains may occur. Apart from these, non-healing tooth socket disease, popularly known as dry socket, can also be treated. If the blood clot formed in the socket dislodges, the nerves and bone in the teeth are exposed. This phenomenon is called dry socket and can cause severe pain, bad breath, a different taste in the mouth, and swelling in various areas of the mouth and face.

Does Swelling Occur After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

It is a common situation for swelling to occur in the areas where the teeth are located after the extraction of wisdom teeth. Applying ice compresses may be helpful to reduce these swellings and reduce pain.

How Should Oral and Dental Care Be After Wisdom Teeth?

It is beneficial not to chew within 2 hours after wisdom teeth are extracted. It is beneficial for teeth and gums not to do any hard and heavy exercises or sports for a few days after tooth extraction. Additionally, smoking and alcohol should not be consumed. When doing oral care, you should be careful to touch the area where the wisdom teeth are located as little as possible and be gentle. In addition, rinsing your mouth with a salt water mixture may be beneficial for your oral health.

If bleeding has stopped after tooth extraction, warm or cold drinks can soothe the tooth and help the body get the fluid it needs. You can choose to consume softer and easier to chew foods. Drinking acidic drinks poses a great danger as they can disperse blood clots in the mouth.

Food particles that may remain between the teeth and reach the area where wisdom teeth are extracted can cause a big problem. You can experience this process in the most painless way by using the medications prescribed by your doctor appropriately.