Transparent Plate (Invisalign)

Invisalign treatment is an orthodontic treatment method that consists of transparent aligners and eliminates the need to use braces to straighten the teeth. These plates will be prepared very carefully and individually, thanks to the Clinic AFM and its physicians.

It allows you to get the teeth you want by using state-of-the-art tools as well as experienced physicians. Plaques produced with advanced technology do not affect a person's daily life and provide a solid tooth appearance when viewed from the outside.

How is Transparent Aligner (Invisalign) Produced?

Transparent aligners used in Invisalign treatment are produced according to the person's mouth structure. First, the measurement of the mouth is taken, then a 3D scanning process is applied and an Invisalign plate is produced in accordance with the model transferred to the computer.

Age Factor in Clear Plaque Treatment

Although Invisalign is not a treatment type suitable for all ages, it is a method that can be applied to most age groups. To be used in children, all of the child's milk teeth must have fallen out.

The fact that the second molar has started to emerge is also a condition for the application of clear aligner treatment. Generally, the age at which these conditions are completed in individuals is 13 or 14. There are no age restrictions for adults.

What is the Lifespan of Transparent Plaque?

It remains in the mouth for as long as the physicians working at the AFM clinic deem appropriate for you. 1 set of aligners is usually planned to remain in the mouth for 2 weeks, 10 days or 1 week.

To whom can transparent plaque not be applied?

It is necessary for the patients' gum tissues to be healthy for the application of transparent plaque treatment. If there is decay in the teeth or if the gums are not healthy enough, this treatment is not applied. The dentist determines the suitability of the patient for treatment. Since clinical AFM physicians are experts in this field, they can determine whether the treatment is suitable for you.

Does Transparent Plaque Correct the Jaw Structure?

Thanks to transparent aligners, crooked teeth can be treated without the need for braces. Thanks to the use of digital orthodontic treatment, crooked teeth can be treated with transparent plaques made and used specifically for the individual teeth.