What Can Be Done for Smokers' Teeth?

The threat that smoking poses to health is extensive. From heart diseases to premature aging, from lung cancer to the risk of premature birth, from gangrene to mouth and larynx cancer, there is almost no disease that it does not trigger or cause. The fastest and clearest consequences of smoking are seen on oral and dental health.

Smoking in oral and dental health Disorders that occur with its use range from yellowing and staining to gum disorders and its hindering effect on implant treatment. The best thing to do is to completely eliminate smoking from your life and permanently destroy this fierce enemy of your health.

Until you achieve this, there are at least some precautions you can take to protect your oral and dental health. yellowed teeth treatment There are some steps you can take.

  1. Dental care after smoking You should allocate special and extra time for this. You should get into the habit of drinking a glass of water after every cigarette you smoke. In this way, harmful substances such as nicotine left by cigarettes on the teeth are cleaned to a certain extent.
  2. Avoid consuming excessive coffee or acidic drinks. Do not further damage your oral and dental health, which you have already weakened with smoking, with coffee and carbonated drinks.
  3. Smoking causes bad breath in the mouth. To eliminate this odor, be sure to brush your tongue while brushing your teeth. Brush your teeth frequently during the day and gargle regularly. In this way, you can prevent the formation of bad odors.
  4. When choosing toothpaste, choose products with high whitening effect. Thus, smoking-induced yellow teeth treatment You have taken a step towards it.
  5. Get professional support for more intense yellowing and staining. Tooth jaundice treatment Consult a specialist dentist for Ensure that current and potential oral and dental health problems are intervened before they progress by regular physician visits.
  6. Consume foods such as apples and carrots, which are known to help clean teeth, more often.
  7. Vitamin C deficiency underlies some of the tooth and gum diseases caused by smoking. Because smoking reduces the amount of vitamin C in your body. For this reason, you can consume foods with high vitamin C content more frequently or use vitamin C supplements.